Here is a snapshot of how your conversion status will look like:
Approved: The Advertiser has approved your conversion and you will be earning a commission.
Pending: The Advertiser has not yet validated your conversion. The estimated validation period varies, and details can be found on the offer page.
Rejected: The Advertiser has rejected your conversion.
Possible reasons for rejected conversions are (but are not limited to):
- The customer did not complete their payment.
- The customer canceled their order.
- The customer requested a refund for their order.
- The order was never delivered to the customer as it was out of stock.
- The offer has been "Paused" due to budget allocation
Yet to Consume Purchases that are made in advance, such as hotel bookings. A commission will only be issued after successful payment from the customer, and successful delivery of products or services.
Paid: Your payment has been sent via the method you set in your payment details. You can check your payout overview for more info.
Invalid: Conversions that are not recognized or cannot be proven of their sources.
In general below are a few examples that can contribute to an "Invalid" status but are not limited to:
- Detection of Spam or Fraud cases.
- Invalid or Wrong Order ID
- Claiming of conversion that you did not earn
- Not based on the last click by users, followers, or subscribers
- System error - Wrong amount received / Captured
- Conversions initiated through system test
- Conversion dispute between Involve Asia tracking platform and the Advertiser's platform.
- Ineligible commissions (Multiple clicks/app installed / wrong customer type / unmatched campaign
- The wrong local currency captured
- Exceed cookie period
For more information on the reason under "Fraud" conversions, please refer below:
Refer here for Lazada's rejected reason
Refer here for Shopee Rejection Reason
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