Are you ready to hunt for offers and start earning commission?
There are many offers available to promote with Involve Asia! Here's a guide on where you can find offers.
- Go to Discovery > Advertiser Directory
Below is the Advertiser Directory screen. Here are important parts of the page you need to know:
1) Search
You can look up Advertiser from this search bar if you want to promote a specific Advertiser
2) Offer Region
You can filter the offer region to suit your geographical location and traffic. You can also remove the country to view all available Advertisers.
3) Category Filter
You can filter according to your Property niche or interest to see the available Offers.
4) Apply
Some Offers require you to apply for the Advertiser team to review before you can start promoting. Click Apply and your application* will be reviewed within 2 to 3 working days.
*Fun fact: Some offers are approved instantly!
5) Promote
Once your application is approved, click Promote and generate a link to start promoting.
Should you need any assistance, please contact your Account Manager or email
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