The goal of this guide is to show our advertiser to gain a high-level understanding of how to set up the Involve Conversion Pixel with Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Important note:
- This guide assumed that the advertiser has received all necessary information related to the Conversion Pixel.
- This is a generic guide and advertiser should make necessary adjustment according to their existing GTM setup.
Implementation for different scenarios
There are different scenarios for the implementation. Choose your scenario below and follow the steps.
Scenario 1:
- You know how to use GTM and/or have used it before. There is a Data Layer available on the website and the order information is available as variables in GTM.
Scenario 2:
- You are not familiar with GTM, but there is a Data Layer available on the website.
Scenario 3:
- You are new to GTM and everything needs to be set-up.
Scenario 1:
Setting up the GTM Tag
- Navigate to the Templates menu item located on the left.
- Click on the Search Gallery button and search for Involve Conversion Tag.
1. Click on Add to workspace button then the Add button to add this template.
2. Create a new Tag in the menu item Tags and select Involve Conversion Tag.
3. You will be presented with a page that allows you to configure the data points such as the order number, order value, currency and etc. As for Offer ID, this is a unique id assigned to your campaign. If you do not have it, please contact our integration team or your advertiser account manager.
4. To add more variables to your GTM, please refer to User-defined variables - Tag Manager Help
Setting up the GTM trigger for your tag
1. After adding the Conversion Pixel tag, you should add a trigger.
2. Add a Trigger to the tag then select Page View - Window Loaded as the Trigger Type.
3. Make sure the trigger fires at your Thank You or Success page. For example by adding a Page URL => contains => thankyou-page.
Submitting and publishing all changes
1. Save the tag and the trigger and publish your edited workspace.
2. If there is no error in the code or configuration, you will be presented with a screen showing the version number thatʼs correctly set to live. In the event that you encounter some error during the process, please rectify the error and retry the process.
Scenario 2 and 3:
- To connect transaction information to GTM and subsequently to Involve conversion pixel, your website should contain a Data Layer. This Data Layer should be present on the Thank You page or Success page of your website.
- This Data Layer is the source of the data. If you look at the source code of this success page, the Data Layer could look like this :
- To create a new Data Layer, please refer to Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) Developer Guide:
- To make the above Data Layer available as variable in your GTM, please refer to User-defined variable types for web - Tag Manager Help
- Follow all the steps from Scenario 1 if the variables already exist
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