In this guide, you will be able to learn about the commission models available on our platform. It includes but is not limited to.
CPS - Cost Per Sale
A sale is confirmed when a purchase is successfully made, with no cancellation or refund.
Example offer:
Illustration purposes only
- Publisher posted the generated link for the offer on his Facebook page
- User clicks the link, lands on the advertiser’s page and purchases the item
- Advertiser validates the conversion and approves the conversion
- Advertiser pays Involve Asia
- Involve Asia pays publisher
CPA (Cost per Acquisition)
The CPA model is commonly related to action outcomes. Advertisers only pay partners for actions according to what is set out in their program terms.
Example offer: Involve Asia Publisher Referral Program
Illustration purposes only
- The publisher posted the generated link for the offer on his Facebook page.
- User clicks the link, lands on the advertiser’s page, and performs the action required by the Advertiser.
- Advertiser validates the conversion based on the fulfillment criteria and approves the conversion
- Advertiser pays Involve Asia
- Involve Asia pays publisher
Cost Per Lead - CPL
A lead occurs when someone fills out a form with contact details provided to the offer’s owner. The user does not pay for the lead. This model is usually associated with credit card and loan application offers, where the lead is used to send info about other products.
Example offer: Citibank Credit Card (CPL)
Illustration purposes only
- User visits and fills in all the required information for loan or credit card application on a Comparison Website
- Advertiser validates the conversion and approves the leads
- Publisher will be paid according to the commission structure for successful leads and unsuccessful leads
- Advertiser pays Involve Asia and publisher will be paid upon then
Cost Per Session (CPSe)
CPSe is a method of getting users engaged with the Advertiser's website for exploration and visibility of the brand. Mostly targeted to mobile users, which is very cost-effective for publishers
Example: Calisto (CPSe)
- User will scroll through the brand's website for a certain amount of time (Example: 15 seconds) through your affiliate link.
Partners will be paid a fixed rate when the user engages with the website.
Advertiser validates the conversion (session timing) and approves
- Advertiser pays Involve Asia
- Involve Asia pays publisher
Cost per Click (CPC)
Publishers get paid per click on the banner/creative/link. (This could also be unique click)
Example: Publisher will be paid a fixed rate when the user produces a click on a banner/link.
- Follower visits publisher profile page and clicks the banner or link
- Advertiser validates the conversions based on clicks and pays Involve Asia
- Involve Asia Pays publisher
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