There are 4 Publisher Membership levels:
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Black
You’ll move up the ranks by either:
- Earning more Affiliate commissions (Payout Earnings).
- Getting more membership points.
Payout Earnings Mechanism:
Pay-Earnings cumulative for 3 calendar months.
Pay-out (all status) excluding Deleted, Rejected and Invalid status
- Silver - MYR 0 - MYR 100,000
- Gold - MYR100,000 - MYR300,000
- Platinum - MYR300,001 - MYR400,000
- Black - > MYR400,000
Membership Points:
- Silver - 0 - 14
- Gold - 15 - 20
- Platinum - 21 - 25
- Black - 26 - 30
To find out more how points are calculated you can visit:
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