There a few important things to take note of before promoting the offer:
1. Available Countries - (Traffic which the advertiser is expecting)
2. Geo Lock - (If Geo Lock is enabled then you can only promote the offer at the stated country for the offer)
3. Category - (To promote offers based on your property niche)
4. Track Type - (Which device does this offer tracks when a purchase is made using the affiliate link)
5. Offer Type - (Commission model type)
6. Commission Tracking - ( How will a commission be tracked for the offer when a conversion takes place)
7. Validation & Payment Period - ( When will be the offer being validated and when can you expect to receive payment for your approved conversions
8. Promoting Method - ( Do's and Don't when you promote an offer)
9. Commission Structure - What is the commission you can expect to earn if you successful make a conversion
10. Reading and understanding the offer description available on the offer page ( To understand the terms & condition of the offer)
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