Express Withdrawal is an option for you to withdraw your Affiliate earnings quicker, even before the Advertiser has validated your conversions.
- You will need to meet the eligibility requirement to apply for Express Withdrawal.
- Only a portion of your pending conversions can be applied for Express Withdrawal.
- A processing fee applies for each Express Withdrawal request.
Here's an example of the Express Withdrawal application page:
The "Request Express Withdrawal" button will become available if you are eligible to request. (As shown above)
There are 3 requirements to qualify for Express Withdrawal:
Requirement 1: To qualify for Express Withdrawal, your 'Pending Validation' amount (conversions that have not been validated by Advertiser) needs to be a minimum of MYR 200.
Requirement 2: Your "Eligible Amount for Withdrawal" should be a min of MYR 40, except for USD & EUR currency and the PayPal method will be MYR 80.
Requirement 3: Your 'Pending Validation' conversions must be at least from 1 eligible offer. (Do note that some offers don't qualify for Express Withdrawal due to the offer structure)
With the above 3 requirements met, you can apply for Express Withdrawal.
Please note that our team will review your promotion method and historical conversion data before approving the Express Withdrawal.
If any violation has been flagged from your account, the Express Withdrawal request can be rejected.
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